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Kinesio Taping
Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles
without affecting circulation or range of motion.
This tape integrates with the body in a functional manner. It has very specific elasticity built into the weave pattern of the cotton fabric, which mimics the elasticity and thickness of human skin, allowing it to integrate, support and stabilize without adversely affecting the healthy ranges of motion. It is water-resistant and breathable and can be worn for several days.

Kinesio Taping Initial Session
The initial visit is approximately 45 minutes long. It includes a full case history, a neurological examination, an orthopedic examination, diagnosis, and plan of management. Once the diagnosis has been communicated to you, Dr. Muzos will explain if and how Kinesio taping will be most clinically beneficial, but ultimately the decision will be yours with respect to the treatment you receive.
Duration / Cost
45 min / $150

Kinesio Taping Follow-up
A brief history will be taken to see how you did after the first visit and answer any questions that you might have. This will be followed by the taping treatment itself. As your progress improves, he will increase the gap between visits and ultimately have you come on an as-needed basis for prevention.
Duration / Cost
15 min / $75